How Ready Are You To Handle Cyber Security Threats?

vCISO Services

Operational Maturity Journey through vCISO functions.


Protect your organization, and your reputation.

Network Security

Let us help you keep your company's data safe.

Managed IT Services

We’ll manage all of your IT services for a flat-rate fee.

We have NEVER had a full-service client suffer from a successful data breach or a cyber-attack. That's what you get when working with a team who boasts nearly 100 years of cumulative experience, completing over 300 full network projects which have included entire network redesign and implementation of proper security and performance optimization at every layer, in environments from 1 to 13,000 users.

Are We A Fit?

  • Would your day be more effective if you hired someone who understands your business and the need for the right technologies in your business? We design, evaluate and justify technology solutions from a thorough understanding of the business benefit for your company. With the basics of your company all under control, you can focus on more profitable ventures for your company.
  • Are your IT costs spiraling? Do you have daunting cyber-insurance requirements? Save capital for important projects – With our flat-rate IT and managed services, you’ll save cash every month that would have been otherwise used for your technology breakdowns.
  • Are worries about downtime hobbling your core functions? Enjoy exemplary uptime – Don’t worry about your network being down at awkward times anymore. With QPC Security’s 24/7 monitoring, you can trust your network will be running when you need it.
  • Is it a challenge to find one vendor to just take it all off your hands? We handle all aspects of your IT infrastructure including hardware and software management, vendor relationships for your internet connectivity, website management, and maintenance renewals, and any other related technology needs. We focus on your IT so you can focus on your business.

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Recognized Industry-wide For Expertise And Reliability

Felicia and her team are like IT superheroes

I cannot speak highly enough of Quality Plus Consulting (QPC) and the incredible IT services they provide. If I could give them more than five stars, I would do it in a heartbeat! From handling our cyber security to network services and computer support, QPC has consistently exceeded my expectations.

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Crystal Redmann

Swiss Army Knife of IT Information

Without a doubt, the biggest benefit of working with Felicia and QPC Security is her depth of knowledge- especially about cybersecurity. When it came to preparing for our CMMC and NIST Compliance as well as a Penetration test, we were literally unable to find that expertise anywhere else.

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Director of Engineering

Can’t Stump QPC Security

We have yet to find a way to stump QPC, to come up with a problem that they can’t solve, or to find an area where they don’t have an outstanding depth of knowledge. I would strongly recommend QPC to any company that wants to have dependable, reliable systems that are managed by a company that cares about providing the best possible services and solutions to their customers.

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Mike Brimeyer

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