Are we a good fit for you?

QPC partners with IT departments and other IT service providers to support their needs

WatchGuard equipment, software, and subscriptions must and should be purchased through partners. If an organization is just looking for a raw price and has no interest in any consultative advice on the purchase, they can use an e‑commerce partner. Be aware that e‑commerce partners assume that you know everything you need to know in order to select the right thing to purchase.

This lack of high-quality consultative advice can lead to anything from technical problems to outright fraud. We have seen many instances where an e-commerce partner is trying to make more sales or unload inventory and will provide technically or factually incorrect advice in response to an inquiry.

Any owner of a rack mount Firebox should be getting competent engineering advice prior to procurement of renewals, software, or hardware.

Purchasing from us is a smart business move

QPC is one of the top four technical WatchGuard partners in the United States. The technical skills expertise, and know-how we have amassed over years of experience with WatchGuard technologies is well known and respected.

Unlike some other WatchGuard partners that use “renewal reps” who are not technically qualified and could not engineer or implement a solution for you, the only people who are involved in quotes and renewals at QPC are certified engineers. No other WatchGuard partner does this.

If you are not getting engineering advice, what advice are you getting?

What you get when you buy from QPC

  • Definitive advice on the right solution for your needs. This means you need to care enough about getting your solution right to make time or a phone call.
  • Minimize waste. Avoid buying a three-year renewal on a device that will not be able to use all three years of subscription. We have seen plenty of instances where a renewals rep at another partner simply provided a quote for what the customer asked for and the customer was defrauded due to someone other than a certified WatchGuard engineer handling the renewal.
  • Expert-level protection. We advise you on devices that should be replaced and NOT renewed due to changes in hardware security algorithms and compliance.
  • Value for your time & money. We know what is most cost effective, what end of support/end of life dates are, and how to help you sell the right solution to your customer whether that is your boss or an external customer. Due to QPC’s deep relationship with WatchGuard, we can access non-public information as needed and leverage that to give you the best advice.
  • We will not recommend you buy TSS unless you are using it or have a project to get it implemented. If you need implementation help, we are your partner for those services. There are some circumstances when data records retention requirements alone drive the need.
  • We empower you. We make you look good to your bosses and customers by helping you make the right procurement decisions.
  • We are masters of appliance sizing. Hint: The online sizing calculator only tells you about 10% of what you need to know.
  • We know the technical requirements for outcomes so will not recommend a HA solution to you without the right supporting technical hardware either being already available or incorporated into the deployment solution.
  • Depending on the size of the need, we may review your current configuration with you via remote session at our discretion.

WatchGuard Hardware Renewals

WatchGuard hardware requires subscriptions purchased with hardware that covers security applications and manufacturer support. These security subscriptions are essential to the normal operation of the hardware. They have terms of 1 year, 3 years, and sometimes 5 years. 4-hour hardware response contracts for hardware failures are also a wise choice for a lot of circumstances. In some cases, high availability packages are the right option.

WatchGuard Fireboxes

WatchGuard Fireboxes have three levels of support/application subscriptions. All three include Stateful Fireware, VPN, SD-WAN, and Access Portal. These comprise the minimum level of functionality of a Firewall. Price scales from lowest (Standard) to highest (Total).

  1. Standard Support is available in 1-, 3- or 5-year terms. This includes standard 24x7 support only.
  2. Basic Security is available in 1-, 3- or 5-year terms. This includes all the traditional network security services typical to a UTM appliance: IPS, antivirus, URL filtering, application control, spam blocking and reputation lookup. It also includes centralized management and network visibility capabilities, as well as standard 24x7 support.
  3. Total Security is available in 1-, 3- or 5-year terms. This includes all services offered with the Basic Security Suite plus AI-powered malware protection, enhanced network visibility, endpoint protection, Cloud sandboxing, DNS filtering, and the ability to take action against threats right from WatchGuard Cloud, network visibility platform. Application control, spam blocking and reputation lookup are also included. Centralized management, network visibility capabilities, and standard 24x7 support are also part of this subscription.

Total Security Suite

TSS is the only subscription we sell to our direct service clients. Do not sell TSS to your customers if you are not going to implement it. We regularly perform audits and find that service providers have defrauded their customers by buying an advanced security subscription and failing to partner it with an implementation project.

If you want to get TSS implemented for your managed Fireboxes, consult with QPC.

WatchGuard Wireless Access Points

If you would like details on WatchGuard wireless access points, we can help you. QPC has been a long‑time certified wireless partner and has done implementations for as small as a single user up to large multi-site campus deployments with captive portal and dynamic VLAN assignment. If what you want to do cannot be done with WatchGuard APs, we will tell you and provide you with an alternative solution.

WatchGuard APs have two levels of subscription. Consult with us about your needs in order to obtain the correct product and subscription.

WatchGuard EPDR licensing

QPC is likely the top technical WatchGuard partner in the United States regarding the EPDR platform. We are experts at converged NOC/SOC/SOAR/XDR strategies and an organization that wishes to benefit from our expertise is likely best served buying through us. QPC was the first WatchGuard partner in North America trained on the Cytomic Orion threat hunting platform.

Customers who buy all their WatchGuard solutions through QPC can leverage special QPC‑engineered, designed, and supported solutions not available anywhere else. QPC is a heavy influencer of the product functionality in WatchGuard EPDR and regularly works with product developers to enhance the features.

Listen to our podcast episode on why converged NOC and SOC are critical to security efficacy

WatchGuard MFA

QPC is a certified expert in WatchGuard AuthPoint technologies, DNSWatch, DNSWatchGo, Passport, and related technologies. The level of functionality you will receive is hugely dependent on HOW the licensing is procured. Avoid mistakes by talking to us first. Only an implementation engineer can give you proper advice on how to license items in order to leverage the right type of flexibility and features you require.

Ordering WatchGuard hardware, software, and subscription renewals from QPC

Ordering renewals through QPC is easy, and we have some of the best prices in the industry. We require the following information on the Firebox(s) you need to renew.

  1. Model number(s) (essential)
  2. Serial number(s) if possible
  3. Current security subscription (Standard, Basic, or Total) (essential)
    1. Include the term end date of the expiring security subscription(s)

Please note that QPC offers price quotes as a courtesy to prospective customers who wish to leverage our advanced expertise. If the desired shopping experience is to look at a public-facing website with a bunch of prices listed, we recommend an e-commerce site. Prospects who request multiple quotes and do not order will be denied future quote requests.

Once we have received a written order acceptance, we send a payment request link via email to your designated payment person. After your team pushes the payment and the funds clear, we order your items. These are custom ordered items and are not returnable. We offer consultation so that you are not ordering incorrect items, so there should never be a reason to request a return.

In order to provide competitive pricing to you, we cannot charge you 4% higher rates in order to cover credit card processing fees. Therefore, we do not accept credit cards at this time. Our push-payment digital payment system is free for you to use and is processed by one of the largest internationally respected payment processors, Organizations that already have a account will find the most payment convenience.