Who Are The InfoSec Rabbits?
One might think that rabbits and cybersecurity have nothing in common. Out to prove that wrong is QPC Security’s President & CEO Felicia King. As both a widely regarded cybersecurity professional and rabbit whisperer, Felicia has found a whole new audience when incorporating her ‘InfoSec’ rabbits into her day to day work. As a ‘rabbit whisperer’, Felicia also owns and operates Aristocrats of WI rabbitry where she is involved in every aspect of rabbit whispering, breeding, training, and showing humans how to properly care for their rabbits. During recent appearances, the InfoSec rabbits have stolen the show!
Kevin Bachert and Michael Pearson of WatchGuard with the real stars at QPC Security (the rabbits), along with Felicia!
Matt Lee, Senior Director of Security and Compliance at Pax8, visits the InfoSec rabbits
Matt Lee, Senior Director of Security and Compliance at Pax8, Felicia King, and of course,
the rabbits!